I was talking to someone precious to me this morning. It had been awhile since we talked and she was updating me on the awesome things happening in her world. This is some one I have been blessed to walk on her journey with her as she walks mine with me. As she spoke there was an excitement to her voice. She was receiving all God has been promising her for a long time. Amazing things. As she related all these things to me I just started to weep. (As I am doing right now as I type.) The tears came out of no where and I almost didn't realize I was crying until I felt the tears on my cheeks. Everything she was telling me was cause for joy and celebration and "Woohoos!" But the tears fell.
I do this sometimes. I remember it first started during worship times. The Holy Spirit would be so present and my heart so full the tears would flow. Then I noticed it started happening during sermons. The pastor would say something and it was like God spoke straight to me and the tears would run silently down my cheeks. I liked to say "the Holy Spirit is leaking out of me." :)
I also do this sometimes with my kids. Each year on our birthdays, we all go around and say what is special about that person. And I am always last. They have come to expect that I will get a little choked up as I reflect on how wonderful they are and how blessed I am to be their mom. My heart just overflows with gratitude for them. My dad used to do this. One of the things I miss most about him is the way he would say "I'm so proud of you." and his voice would be choked and his eyes full of tears. He would also say "My quiver is full." (Psalm 127:3-5) in the same way. I thought at the time it was because he was just so proud of us but as I think about it I think he was overwhelmed with the blessing of a healthy, beautiful family and how God provided for him for many years.
It feels like I am doing it more frequently in this new place. Jesus provides for us in abundant, unexpected ways and I cry. He gives me an opportunity to minister to someone else with my experiences and I cry. He shows me in special, unique ways that we are just exactly where we need to be and I cry.
I was thinking this morning about the woman in Luke who washed Jesus' feet with her tears and the very expensive perfume. The other gospels only mention the perfume but Luke mentions the tears. I love that. She was a sinner and when you first read the passage you assume that she is crying because she feels like such a loser. Today I see her in a different way. I see her as fellow sister who sees Jesus and knows He is not only her Savior but also her Provider, Redeemer, Counselor, Father, Friend, the One who loves her without limits and blesses her beyond words. And she cried.
So from now on these tears are going to be called "Tears of Praise." Because that is exactly what they are. They are what I offer back when I don't have the words or ways to respond to Him all He has done for me.
Let them flow, Jesus,

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Rip Current
I had a bit of an attitude at the moment and I started walking into the surf. My "goal" was to check out the section of beach my husband had drug us to with 2 surf boards, 5 boogie boards, 6 towels, 1 beach chair and 1 beach bag in tow. He had determined we needed to be far from everyone else and I was "frustrated." So I dropped my stuff, took off the cover up and began walking headlong. Not thinking, not surveying the situation. Just walking with a bit of attitude.
As I get a little further out I realize the water is a bit deeper than I care to be in and, whoa, now I can't touch. Better go back. Oh crap. I am not going anywhere but further out. Rip current. Ok, don't panic. Never panic. Swim parallel to the shore until you get out of it. They say it won't take you to the Bahamas. Not too sure about that right now.Waves aren't too bad but I am not getting anywhere but further from Steve and the kids. Where is the bottom? If I could push off the bottom it would feel better. How deep is this water? 6 feet? 10 feet? I don't know. Suddenly there's this surfer. He says to me "Do you need help?" I smile to show I am not panicking because no one wants to help a panicked person. They'll drown you. And I say "Yes." I can see he's standing and so I say "I want to get where you are." So he tells be to grab the board and he flings me to the part where I can stand. The water is still moving swift and it's tough to get to shore but at least I can stand. As I get to the shore, the life guard is walking up to me to see if I am ok. And my husband is asking me what I am thinking walking straight into a rip current.
There's lots of analogies to be made to my walk with Jesus in this scenario. The "attitude" and doing my own thing gets me in trouble everytime. The feeling of deep waters. "He reached down from on high and took hold of me (or sends an angel surfer); he drew me out of deep waters." (Psalm 18:16) The deep water is where you can't don't know your surroundings and where the bottom is and panic can set in pretty quickly. Believe me if something had swam by me the panic would have set in and I would have been done.
I am also reminded of the fact that He rescues me even when I get myself into the pickle. Just like He did for Peter in the garden when He was being arrested. Peter cut the soldiers ear off and Peter was seconds from his own execution. Jesus didn't look at him and say "What did you do? Now what are you going to do?" No he fixed the ear and the Bible doesn't mention the soldier or the ear again.
But what is really getting me is the lingering fear. I couldn't go back in the water that day. I didn't really want to the next day. I didn't want the kids to either. It brought me to tears more than once and I couldn't really put words to it. It seems silly but the fear is strong. This is the recurring theme in my world. I am so thankful for all the times my Savior has rescued me. I will point to Him and give Him the glory every time. But when I look forward the fear grips me. I don't want to go there again so I am immobilized from doing anything. I don't trust myself. I am afraid. Fear of failure, fear of making mistakes, fear of being back in the same stupid pit or deep water again. So now what?
If you are me, you sit, you think about it, cry about it, lay it out before him and open up the Bible. Search the concordance for "fear" (again!) and bind a few verses to your heart.
Fear only God,
As I get a little further out I realize the water is a bit deeper than I care to be in and, whoa, now I can't touch. Better go back. Oh crap. I am not going anywhere but further out. Rip current. Ok, don't panic. Never panic. Swim parallel to the shore until you get out of it. They say it won't take you to the Bahamas. Not too sure about that right now.Waves aren't too bad but I am not getting anywhere but further from Steve and the kids. Where is the bottom? If I could push off the bottom it would feel better. How deep is this water? 6 feet? 10 feet? I don't know. Suddenly there's this surfer. He says to me "Do you need help?" I smile to show I am not panicking because no one wants to help a panicked person. They'll drown you. And I say "Yes." I can see he's standing and so I say "I want to get where you are." So he tells be to grab the board and he flings me to the part where I can stand. The water is still moving swift and it's tough to get to shore but at least I can stand. As I get to the shore, the life guard is walking up to me to see if I am ok. And my husband is asking me what I am thinking walking straight into a rip current.
There's lots of analogies to be made to my walk with Jesus in this scenario. The "attitude" and doing my own thing gets me in trouble everytime. The feeling of deep waters. "He reached down from on high and took hold of me (or sends an angel surfer); he drew me out of deep waters." (Psalm 18:16) The deep water is where you can't don't know your surroundings and where the bottom is and panic can set in pretty quickly. Believe me if something had swam by me the panic would have set in and I would have been done.
I am also reminded of the fact that He rescues me even when I get myself into the pickle. Just like He did for Peter in the garden when He was being arrested. Peter cut the soldiers ear off and Peter was seconds from his own execution. Jesus didn't look at him and say "What did you do? Now what are you going to do?" No he fixed the ear and the Bible doesn't mention the soldier or the ear again.
But what is really getting me is the lingering fear. I couldn't go back in the water that day. I didn't really want to the next day. I didn't want the kids to either. It brought me to tears more than once and I couldn't really put words to it. It seems silly but the fear is strong. This is the recurring theme in my world. I am so thankful for all the times my Savior has rescued me. I will point to Him and give Him the glory every time. But when I look forward the fear grips me. I don't want to go there again so I am immobilized from doing anything. I don't trust myself. I am afraid. Fear of failure, fear of making mistakes, fear of being back in the same stupid pit or deep water again. So now what?
If you are me, you sit, you think about it, cry about it, lay it out before him and open up the Bible. Search the concordance for "fear" (again!) and bind a few verses to your heart.
- "Telling you, 'You're my servant, serving on my side. I've picked you. I haven't dropped you.' Don't panic. I'm with you. There's no need to fear for I'm your God. I'll give you strength. I'll help you. I'll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you." Isaiah 41:10 (The Msg)
- "God met me more than halfway, he freed me from all my anxious fears." Psalm 34:4 (The Msg)
- "Save your fear for God, who holds your entire life-body and soul-in his hands." Luke 12:5 (The Msg)
Fear only God,
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
His Story
"The disciples came up and asked, "Why do you tell stories?" (Matthew 13:10)
Part of the way Jesus drew people to himself was through the stories he told. Matthew, Mark and Luke all record stories Jesus told to give a message. The story of the prodigal son, the lost sheep, the scattered seed, the talents, the lamp on the stand, the lost coin and on and on. Up until just a few moments ago I assumed these stories were "made up", carefully crafted to make a point. But now I wonder and maybe guess that these stories were about real people. After all Jesus was God. He knows all of our stories. And perhaps he chose to use a real farmer, a widow, a rebellious son and a shepherd to teach everyone something about Himself.
Now I am going to take it a step further and say, I believe that Jesus is still using our stories to teach others about Himself. The difference now is it's left up to us to first see what Jesus is teaching us in our story and then to tell others about what He has done and is doing in our lives.
Everyone has a story. It may be a "big" story about your salvation and your life doing a complete 180. A prodigal son type of story. People like to share those stories. They are important. They give hope to the unsaved and those who really feel hopeless and lost.
It may be smaller, everyday stories. Like how God sent just the right person along to tell you just what you needed to hear. Or a song at just the right moment on the radio and it gave you peace and comfort. These stories remind us He is a God of details. He cares about everything in our lives.
But my favorite story is when your story and my story intersect. The times when God is preparing 2 (or more) people for a special work and then at just the right moment He brings them together and really cool things happen. My pastor at our church in Iowa told me, "You have story and I have a story and He has a story and she has a story and God has brought us all together here for a reason." It is a giant beautiful tapestry and He uses our stories to connect us to Him and to each other. The things that cause knots in the tapestry are when people don't believe their stories and past experiences matter. These are lies the enemy wants us to believe. Nothing could be further from the truth.
When we see Jesus working in our lives, our response should be like Peter and John-"As for us, there's no question—we can't keep quiet about what we've seen and heard." (Acts 4:20)
God is doing amazing things among His people. When we reach out to each other and share our stories, His stories. We are going to be shocked at how He is preparing us for amazing things.
Part of the way Jesus drew people to himself was through the stories he told. Matthew, Mark and Luke all record stories Jesus told to give a message. The story of the prodigal son, the lost sheep, the scattered seed, the talents, the lamp on the stand, the lost coin and on and on. Up until just a few moments ago I assumed these stories were "made up", carefully crafted to make a point. But now I wonder and maybe guess that these stories were about real people. After all Jesus was God. He knows all of our stories. And perhaps he chose to use a real farmer, a widow, a rebellious son and a shepherd to teach everyone something about Himself.
Now I am going to take it a step further and say, I believe that Jesus is still using our stories to teach others about Himself. The difference now is it's left up to us to first see what Jesus is teaching us in our story and then to tell others about what He has done and is doing in our lives.
Everyone has a story. It may be a "big" story about your salvation and your life doing a complete 180. A prodigal son type of story. People like to share those stories. They are important. They give hope to the unsaved and those who really feel hopeless and lost.
It may be smaller, everyday stories. Like how God sent just the right person along to tell you just what you needed to hear. Or a song at just the right moment on the radio and it gave you peace and comfort. These stories remind us He is a God of details. He cares about everything in our lives.
But my favorite story is when your story and my story intersect. The times when God is preparing 2 (or more) people for a special work and then at just the right moment He brings them together and really cool things happen. My pastor at our church in Iowa told me, "You have story and I have a story and He has a story and she has a story and God has brought us all together here for a reason." It is a giant beautiful tapestry and He uses our stories to connect us to Him and to each other. The things that cause knots in the tapestry are when people don't believe their stories and past experiences matter. These are lies the enemy wants us to believe. Nothing could be further from the truth.
When we see Jesus working in our lives, our response should be like Peter and John-"As for us, there's no question—we can't keep quiet about what we've seen and heard." (Acts 4:20)
God is doing amazing things among His people. When we reach out to each other and share our stories, His stories. We are going to be shocked at how He is preparing us for amazing things.
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