"The years that lie behind you will in time be remembered only as the way that led to your new life. They can be remembered as God's way of making you more compassionate and understanding toward others." I recently read this quote from Henri Nouwen as I was reflecting over the past year and all that's happened to bring me where I am today.
I have been shown, especially in this past month or so, that some of the experiences I have gone through are happening in other people's lives. I am not talking about I hear about it and I feel bad for them. I am talking that these people have come to me with out any knowledge of me (very few people here know me or my story) and have just started sharing.
The first time it happened, I was like, what in the world? And I felt like I needed to share kindness with that person the way others have done for me in the past.
The next time it happened, God, in his providence, had been preparing my heart the week prior to think about patience. I learned that the Greeks have severalwords for patience but 2 that I have learned about-makrothymia and hypomone. There is one big difference in the patience these words describe. The first, makrothymia, is the fruit of the spirit patience. It is inspired my mercy toward others. It's the patience we need in the long grocery line, with difficult co workers or with our kids. The second, hyponome is the word James uses when he says "Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming." (James 5:7). This patience is inspired by hope. The hope that Jesus gives. The hope that knows that everything in this life is temporary. It was crazy because I was reading about it, then our pastor spoke about it, then I had a patient tell me she felt like Job! (Read the rest of James 5 to see why that is really cool). So I was happily able to share all that with her and also how I believe that sometimes we go through stuff so we can help other people. The Bible says He comforts us "....so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God." (2 Corinthians 1:4) And then this patient said the most unexpected thing to me after I felt I had been a light "You have suffered haven't you, Joy?" Wow. I did not expect that. I just numbly shook my head and mumbled something like "I think every one suffers some times." And as I reflect on that I feel like I got a word from God and he reminded me He sees me and he knows my past, present and future. And he's able to use all of it.
The last time it happened I felt lead to share some of my story. That was a huge leap for me. I do not like to share about some things, especially what most would deem my failures. But it was amazing because I was able to open up to a relationship with that person and keep pointing back to God as the one who brought me through that situation.
3 people, 3 different situations. God setting it up each time. To God be the glory.
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