Report cards came out yesterday. As it is the 3rd quarter and everyone is passing I am pleased. The kids are doing solid work and really trying hard so I am proud of them. It got me thinking though that I am glad as a grown up I don't have a quarterly report card. I have a yearly evaluation at work I guess but I am not graded day to day. Right? Then I realized maybe that's not so true in my life. Truth is my bosses could give me a horrible evaluation and that would be awful but it wouldn't be nearly as scathing as the one going on in my head some days.
Have you ever heard of the children's story by Max Lucado "You are Special"? It's a story about Wemmicks. Wemmicks were notorious for placing dots and stars on people. If you did well or looked good or had talent you got stars. If you were awkward, did poorly or were unsuccessful you got gray dots. There was one little guy, Punchinello, who got LOTS of dots. He had so many he just kind of stayed away from people for fear of more dots. He meets a girl, Lucia, one day who has no dots or stars and he asks her why she had no dots or stars. She says she goes to visit her Maker, Eli everyday. So Punchinello goes to visit Eli and they have a conversation but there is one quote in there that stays in my heart. Punchinello wants to know why the stickers don't stick on the Lucia. And Eli says to him "Because she has decided that what I think is more important than what anyone else thinks. The stickers only stick if you let them."
Oh I love that. I so needed that reminder. These days the gray dots have been so thick on me. No one but me has stuck them on me. They stick every time I compare myself to someone else, try to achieve a standard for myself that's not possible, expect things from my family that are unrealistic. The are so tight around me I can't breath at times. I have been afraid to go to new places for fear everyone will see my dots. I thought it was anxiety but now I can see that they are mostly dumb dots.
So I found Galatians 6:4-5 this morning and it gave me comfort "Don't be impressed with yourself. [I read this and think, Don't think about yourself so much].Don't compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life."
In this Lenten season I am also reminded that Jesus Christ came to this earth, suffered horribly, died and then ROSE AGAIN so I could have life abundant. He didn't make me or you to get to bogged down in dots or stars. He came so that we would be loved by Him and then show His love to others. I know it seems too simple but that's it.
I'm not going to deny that anxiety and fear aren't real and that all of us deal with that but that's for another day. I am still processing all that for myself. Pray for me. :)
Have a blessed day.
"...they only stick if you let them..."
Oh I love that sweet reminder. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteHey Sis - Keep believing that God has a plan for your life and He is working MIGHTLY through you. As I was thinking about you,this song came to my mind: "You are the potter,I am the clay. Mold me and make me, this is what I pray" This is my prayer for you & me this day.
ReplyDeleteLove you!