Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Mom's Prayer on the First Day of School

Good morning Jesus.  It's quiet isn't it?  Is this what silence is?  It's nice to spend some of the quiet with you.
How did I get to this point of being a mom to an 8th, 7th, 3rd and 1st grader?  Where has the time gone?  Am I really that old? How can a 25 year old have an 8th grader?  I'm not 25?  Last time I checked, I had 1 little baby and now poof, there's 4!  And they are all in school!!  Did I blink? 
Thanks for the summer.  We had such fun together.  Sure we had our moments.  But I have been very blessed by the bonds our family has formed.  The kids all hugged each other before the 2 littlest headed out the door.  So sweet, so precious. 
Thank you for the morning.  The first day is so great when they are excited for the "new."  So excited for new clothes, new teacher, new friends.   Bind that feeling to our hearts.  Give them that excitement for everyday.  Show them that every day brings new possibilities,  new potential. 
I'm a mom and I worry.  I know the best way to handle those worries is give them to You.  I am wrapping my kids up as the gifts they are and giving them to you (again!).  I know you love them even more than I do and your love is perfect.  I know you are with them right now, what ever they are doing so I don't need to fuss. 
Father I pray they make good choices this year.  I pray they make the right choice on their tests, with the friends they choose and even what they eat for lunch.  Show them the right way.  Make it plain to them. Help them to shine brightly where ever they are.   
About those friends, the boys asked me about that this morning.  "Should I only have Christian friends?"  I told them "No."  I explained Christian friends are important because they encourage you and give you accountability but they should also have non Christian friends.  I told them they could be a light and encouragement for those kids too.  I asked them to not judge people by their clothes or the color of their skin or by what they have or don't have.  Then You to drive it home You showed me that lady on the side of the road.  The one I am quick to judge when I care for her at the hospital.   I hear You.  I see.  Thanks for the timely reminder Jesus.   I'm still learning too. 
Father, I pray for those teachers.  Give them wisdom, energy, and patience to make it through each day.  Help them to see the precious lives they are hlelping to mold and shape. Give them discernment to see the ones who need an extra touch, kind word or extra help with their class work.
They will be coming home soon.    Too soon for me to get done the long list of things I had planned to do for "as soon as the kids are in school."  Make the tranisition smooth.  Help all their kids on the bus be sweet and not foul mouthed spitters.    And when they blow through the door, help me to give them the love and attention they need.  Help me to make sure they feel heard and loved.  Help me to give them balance between home work, after school activities and play time. 
Thank you Father.   Thank you for letting me be the mom to these kids.  For some reason, You decided I was qualified to be the mom to this unique bunch of kids.  It's my greatest joy but it's what humbles me every day.  I know I fall short every day but I also know You have them securely in Your hand and they are going to be all right. 
In your powerful Name,

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