Saturday, July 23, 2011

On my First Annual 39th Birthday

Ok so it's been 2 MONTHS since I have been on this blog.  I was a little concerned blogger had shut me down for unuse or I would have forgotten my password.  Then my friend Trish got to posting this week (you can find her blog here) and I felt inspired again. 
Writing on this blog is  sometimes a challenge because I know how much of myself I am putting out there.  And at this point in my life, I am meeting and trying to grow friendships.  There is that voice that says "Don't write that, you'll look stupid."  or something equally condemning or isolating.   Then Miss Trish also posted a quote that is going to go permantently on my blog "“First, I do not sit down at my desk to put into verse something that is already clear in my mind.  If it were clear in my mind, I should have no incentive or need to write about it.We do not write in order to be understood; we write in order to understand.”~C.S. Lewis
And I got stuff I need to understand. :)  But that's for future, more soon to be published blogs. Today is my birthday and it's a day that I am just going to put out there, Who is Joy?  What do I want people to know about me? 
Let's see.  Jesus is my friend.  That's first and that's true.  Without Him in my life I would be even nuttier than I already seem to be. 
I have been married to 1 man for 16 years and I can look you straight in the face and say it gets better and better.  Ladies I'd like to be able to give you a tip for how to mold your man into what you are wanting.  But the change came in me and accepting him and loving him the way God made him to be.  That is all.
I have 4, yes 4, kids.  And it seems like that is the Waltons of the new millenia.  I get lots of shocked looks when I tell people that and a sense that no one gave me the population control memo.  But they are all great.  They are old enough now to know that the way to soften me up is to make me laugh.  (I love to laugh!)  My 2nd son does this Napoleon Dynamite imitation that makes me giggle every time.  I can't stop myself.
I am highly distractable and sort of hyperactive.  It is painful for me to get a hair cut because of the time I have to spend sitting.  And I can't fidget and I can't sit on my leg or cross my legs.  My 2 favorite ways to sit. 
I have always loved water and sun.  That is not new since moving to the Sunshine State.  The summers of my youth were spent at the public pool nearly every day from open to close. 
I love to read and I love my little Nook.  I am a book collector of sorts.  I don't collect for value.  I collect them for the comfort of knowing I can read them as soon as I am ready.  I need to relinquish my library card.  I am horrible about returning books.  I am not sure I have ever gotten books back on time.  
I start and sustain each day with a steady stream of Mt Dew.  I know it's not good for me and I am trying to drink more water.  But this has been my reality for 20 + years.  I am not going to change it. 
Which probably leads to and contributes to the fact that I am a night owl.  The Real Housewives of New York, New Jersey, Atlanta, Miami, and Orange County (oh yeah, I named them all) do contribute to my late nights.  Those women are like a bad car wreck.  You know you should look away but you can't.  Sigh....
My name is Joy and I am a blackberry addict.  No I don't have an I Phone.  It is likely divine intervention that I don't.  My children and husband could very well starve or live in dirty clothes or filth if I did.  What do I do with it?  I follow facebook and twitter.  I follow links to different pages  that people post.  I love that it's like a treasure hunt.  It's like in your Bible, when it references different verses at the bottom, I love to follow those around too.  I love information.  I google every thing.  I follow the blogs of Ann Voskamp, Jon Acuff, Chris Sprad, and Angie Smith
A former boss once told me about a job of "Thought Leader" (I don't  think that it exists any longer in today's economy.)  but I love the idea and know that I am one.  I am an idea person.   Execution, kind of suck at it.  I am painful for the Type A's to watch because I procrastinate.  I try to tell people, give me deadlines or trust me that I will get it done.  I don't like watching their eye lids twitch but it's just the way I am. 
Everyone has a love language and mine is time.  If you love me and want me to know it take some time with me.  It's interesting because time is my most valuable asset.  It doesn't bother me if something turns out to be a "waste of money" but if you waste my time.  Watch out.  That is a pet peeve. 
Oh pet peeves, I have a few of those.  Mouth noises.  HATE that.  Meetings that waste time by never having any new content.  People who talk loudly on their cell phones to the exclusion of every one around them.  Dirty socks on the floor. 
My passions?  My family.  My faith.  A desire for people to know they are loved, first by a heavenly Father, then by me.  Kids.  My kids, your kids, all kids.  I have a passion, as a nurse, to help others take great care of children.  Writing.   It feels good to be sitting at this computer and putting some words out there.  I love words.  I love stringing them together and praying that it may benefit some one, some time. 
Ok so that 's me.  That's where I have landed in 39 years. I wish it was more "wise."  But I am still learning and  trying to understand too.  And that's what will bring me back here again. 
much love,