Monday, December 13, 2010

An open letter to anyone for who Christmas is different this year...

Dear Friend,
I am not writing this to be preachy or Bible thumping.  I am writing you this letter because I have experienced a December when my dad was diagnosed with cancer 1 week before Christmas and 3 Christmases later I faced Christmas with out him, my husband was laid off at every Christmas for the past 3 years, and now Christmas in an entirely different state from my mom and my sisters and their families.  Part of this is sharing what has brought me through and part of this is keeping me together and focused on the Main Thing this season. 
Christmas is different this year isn't it?  Someone or something is missing.  Loss and change hurt all the time but it hurt especially so this time of year, regardless of how the loss occured-death, divorce, a move. Maybe you are in a different place physically, mentally, financially, emotionally than you expected to be.  Maybe you are in this place because of your choices or maybe you had no choice whatsoever. All of these circumstances make us look at Christmas last year, compare it to this year and wonder "What happened?"   Everything is different. 
Now what?  Honestly, I don't know.  I was hoping someone could tell me. :)  It's at moments like this that I have to go the Truth. 
My favorite scripture to remember this time of year is Isaiah 61.  I heard it once referred to as Jesus's job description.  We so often focus on baby Jesus this time of year and that is awesome.  We remember that because it  shows Jesus came as a man.  He experienced life on earth as we have.  He faced the same things we do.  But don't forget the "Why did he do it?"  The first few verses of Isaiah 61 sum it up best. 
"He sent me to preach good news to the poor, heal the heartbroken, announce freedom to all captives, pardon all prisoners. "
I think that summarizes what takes away our joy at Christmas doesn't it?  The enemy tries to convince us every day and especially every day of December, that Christmas is for the happy, the well off, the well connected, the put together, the perfect.  But if that's all there was, there would be no reason for Jesus to come.  Jesus came not for the face on our Christmas card pictures, but for the struggles that we would not even consider putting in the Christmas letter. 
"God sent me to announce the year of his grace— a celebration of God's destruction of our enemies— and to comfort all who mourn, to care for the needs of all who mourn in Zion, give them bouquets of roses instead of ashes, messages of joy instead of news of doom, a praising heart instead of a languid spirit."
Grace-God's greatest gift. Unmerited favor. The gift of salvation not based on who we are, what we do right, how much we give or what church we go to.  A gift only worth something if you receive it, open it, experience it.  It's not a gift to set on a shelf to observe and study.  It's a gift to RECEIVE!  Grace destroys the enemy because it takes away the "You are not good enough" argument.  Grace doesn't just cover some of our sin, it covers ALL of it.  Romans 5: 17-18 says it well: "If death got the upper hand through one man's (Adam's) wrongdoing, can you imagine the breathtaking recovery life makes, sovereign life, in those who grasp with both hands this wildly extravagant life-gift, this grand setting-everything-right, that the one man Jesus Christ provides?"
Now that's a message of joy. Wipe off thoses ashes of guilt, receive the bouquet of "grace roses" He is giving you right now. 
Rename them "Oaks of Righteousness" planted by God to display his glory.   Isaiah 61:1-4 (The Message)
A new name.  If you read this blog, you know how much I love this about God.  God takes those called "poor", "broken hearted", "captives", "prisoners" and renames them Oaks of Righteousness.  An oak with deep roots, who has been tested and withstood the winds of trial, by God's grace.  An upright oak with branches that point up to the One who gets the glory.  A strong, mighty oak who will be able give strength to someone else when they are hurting in a similar way- " that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God." (2 Corinthians 1:4). 
This, to me, is the most important part. December 25 willl come and it will go and life will get back to "normal."  You will get through it. But do not "waste" this struggle you are going through.  Don't just endure the season.  Don't forget it.  Open your eyes and see that He is carrying you.  Don't miss those who are coming along side of you.  Don't forget the "God sightings" (some call them coincidences, I disagree). These are God's way of showing you He is right there with you in the midst of all of this.  Remember it, write it down if you have to and put it in your box of Christmas decorations for next year.
And in 2011 use it to comfort others.  Tell others and give God the glory.  Praise him.  Thank him. 
Jesus, I want to lift up my friends who are hurting. Help them to lay their pain before you. Comfort them.  Give them peace.  Show them your love and grace in real, tangible ways, Father.  Surround them with people who can comfort as they have been comforted.  Help them to start to feel the strength of the mighty oak.  Only you can give this Jesus.  And only because you came to this earth 2010 years ago.  Thank you for the gift of You. 

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